About me
Will Hall, MA, DiplPW, PhD Candidate Maastricht University, is a therapist and community development worker changing the social response to madness. A schizophrenia diagnosis survivor and longtime organizer with the psychiatric survivor movement, will is trained in Jungian psychology and Open Dialogue. He is host of Madness Radio, co-founder of Freedom Center, co-founder of Hearing Voices Network USA, past co-coordinator of The Icarus Project, and author of the Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs and Outside Mental Health: Voices and Visions of Madness. He lives in Northern California. In an interview Will told the Portland Mercury weekly newspaper: "When I was growing up, I wanted to be a magician. Then I wanted to be a biologist, then I wanted to be a psychologist, then I wanted to be a community organizer, then I wanted to be a philosopher. Now I’m sort of all of them.”