About me
Professor Matthew Broome BSc (Hons) MBChB (Hons) PGCAP PhD PhD FRCPsych (he/him)
Matthew Broome is Chair in Psychiatry and Youth Mental Health, and Director of the Institute for Mental Health at
the University of Birmingham. In the NHS, Matthew is Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist to East Birmingham Early
Intervention in Psychosis Team, Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. Matthew studied
Pharmacology and Medicine at the University of Birmingham and trained in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital,
Bethlem Royal Hospital, and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.
Matthew’s research interests include youth mental health, the prodromal phase of psychosis, delusion formation,
mood instability, neurodevelopmental disorders, functional neuroimaging, interdisciplinary methods, mental health
humanities, phenomenology and the philosophy of psychiatry. His research is funded by the Wellcome Trust,
NIH/NIMH, MRC, NIHR, philanthropy, and the Wolfson Foundation.