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ISPS-US 23rd Annual Conference | November 1-3, 2024 | University of Pittsburgh & Duquesne University | Pittsburgh, PA & Hybrid Online | Preliminary Schedule
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Saturday, November 2

7:30am EDT

Coffee and Registration
Saturday November 2, 2024 7:30am - 8:15am EDT
Saturday November 2, 2024 7:30am - 8:15am EDT
Union Ballroom

8:15am EDT

Keynote: Is Psychosis a Complex Reaction to Trauma? (Hybrid)
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:15am - 9:30am EDT
The medical model of psychosis has dominated treatment and research funding. However, recent years have established the high prevalence of stressful and traumatic life events within people who are diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. Traumatic life events can lead to a range of phenomena, including intrusive memories, dissociation and hearing voices which occur within a wide range of mental health problems. I will draw on psychological models to demonstrate how a range of psychotic presentations can be formulated within a trauma framework, and discuss the subsequent treatment implications. An overview of treatment developments within the U.K, Europe and Australia will be presented.
avatar for Craig Steel, PhD

Craig Steel, PhD

Oxford Institute of Clinical Psychology Training and Research (University of Oxford and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK)
Craig completed a PhD at King’s College London (1998) and qualified as a clinical psychologist (2000) at Royal Holloway, University of London. His clinical and research work has focussed on the development and evaluation of psychological treatments for psychosis. He has a particular... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 8:15am - 9:30am EDT
Union Ballroom
  Keynote, Hybrid
  • about Craig completed a PhD at King’s College London (1998) and qualified as a clinical psychologist (2000) at Royal Holloway, University of London. His clinical and research work has focussed on the development and evaluation of psychological treatments for psychosis. He has a particular interest in developing models than enable us to ‘make sense’ of psychotic symptoms within the context of the reaction to traumatic life events. Current research includes developing a ‘voice dialogue’ approach to working with distressing voice hearing experiences, working with a London refugee service to help evaluate trauma interventions and working with colleagues across Europe and the UK to evaluate an imagery-based intervention aimed at helping people diagnosed with bipolar disorder better regulate their mood.<br>He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy and Associate Editor to the Journal Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. He is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, a member of the Division of Clinical Psychology and a member of the Health and Care Professionals Council. He is also an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.

9:30am EDT

Saturday November 2, 2024 9:30am - 9:45am EDT
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:30am - 9:45am EDT
Union Ballroom

9:45am EDT

Dismantling Power Hierarchies and Rethinking Priorities: The Transformative Potential of Lived Experience Led 'Psychosis' Research (Hybrid)
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Over the past decades, participatory methods and lived experience/service user involvement have gained substantial traction in mental health research and policy.  While the United States arguably lags well behind countries such as the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, there has nevertheless been a marked uptick in interest and investment in involvement.    Unfortunately, as a nominal emphasis on involvement grows, so too have tokenism and cooptation, mirroring longer-term trends in peer support.  This panel brings together three international leaders in the lived experience research space – Andrew Grundy (University of Manchester & University College London), Nev Jones (University of Pittsburgh) and Alison Branitsky (University of Manchester)—two of whom are based in the UK, in a panel that will reflect on the deeper, transformative value of lived experience leadership, the harms of cooptation, and the possibilities of work that truly reflects the values, methods and priorities of those historically marginalized in psychosis-relevant knowledge production.
avatar for Andrew Grundy, PhD

Andrew Grundy, PhD

University College London
Dr Andrew Grundy is a Senior Lived Experience Research Fellow, and Deputy Director and Lived Experience Researcher Lead at the Policy Research Unit for Mental Health, University College London, UK. He is also a Lived Experience Researcher in the School of Health Sciences, University... Read More →
avatar for Alison Branitsky, Mres

Alison Branitsky, Mres

University of Manchester/Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Alison Branitsky is a lived-experience researcher and mental health advocate whose work focuses on broadening our understanding of and approaches to responding to extreme mental distress. She currently is a PhD student at the University of Manchester in the UK.
avatar for Nev Jones, PhD

Nev Jones, PhD

University of Pittsburgh
Nev Jones, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work and affiliate faculty in psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. Grounded in direct experience of psychosis, her scholarship and clinical training work have sought to challenge conventional over-simplifications... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Union Ballroom

9:45am EDT

Innovative Approaches in Assessment, Treatment and Residential Care (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Innovative Approaches in Assessment, Treatment, and Residential Care (3 x 30 minute sessions)  
  • The Utility of Psychological Assessment in Detecting Psychosis: A Case Illustration - Connor Adams, PsyD
  • EMDR and Psychosis: Nudging the United States Into the Modern Age of Trauma Treatment - Chris Perry, MS, MA, LMFT
  • Creating an effective natural team based on the Windhorse approach - Eric Friedland-Kays, MA Victoria Yoshen

The Utility of Psychological Assessment in Detecting Psychosis: A Case Illustration - Connor Adams, PsyD
This presentation with utilize a clinical case to illustrate the utility of psychological assessment when detecting psychosis and creating an individualized treatment plan. The case will feature Mr. G, who was referred for psychological assessment by his therapist to better understand what factors were contributing to Mr. G feeling “stuck” in both life and therapy. Mr. G initially sought therapy due to feeling he was experiencing a “failure to launch” as a young adult. Specifically, he reported starting and stopping graduate school several times, finding it difficult to maintain friendships and romantic relationships, and struggling to engage in daily self-care activities such as personal hygiene and meal prep, despite having previously been successful in all these domains. After approximately one year of therapy both he and his therapist felt their work was not progressing and sought a psychological assessment to gain a deeper understanding of any cognitive difficulties, behavioral patterns, or intrapsychic conflicts that might contribute to his “stuckness.” Mr. G completed a multimethod psychological assessment. Multimethod assessment procedures included a thorough record review, a clinical interview, the Bender-Gestalt, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF), Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS), Projective Drawings, Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (RISB), Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement (WJ IV ACH), and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV). This case presentation will highlight the role of psychological assessment in bringing to light previously unrecognized disordered thinking that notably contributed to Mr. G’s difficulty getting “unstuck” in his life. Moreover, the assessment provided information regarding the conditions under which Mr. G’s thinking was more vulnerable to becoming disorganized, such as during instances of emotional flooding. This presentation will provide an orientation to the utility of psychological assessment, in particular for individuals experiencing psychosis, emphasizing the utility of this intervention in addition to psychotherapy.

EMDR and Psychosis: Nudging the United States Into the Modern Age of Trauma Treatment - Chris Perry, MS, MA, LMFT
The most cursory glance at the literature regarding trauma and psychosis demonstrates a strong correlation between the two. Given this, it would seem axiomatic that a trauma-informed system of care would make evidence-based therapies for posttraumatic sequelae readily available to people who have experienced both trauma and psychosis. In the United States, however, the opposite is true: psychosis is often considered an exclusionary criterion for the exact modalities of trauma treatment that have the strongest evidence base.

This presentation will focus on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) as a specific example of an evidence-based treatment for trauma that is systematically denied to people who have had experiences of psychosis and are seeking care in the United States. This reality contrasts sharply with the literature and with clinical practice in other parts of the world. There is a robust literature demonstrating that EMDR is both safe and effective for individuals with past and present experiences of psychosis. A review of this literature identifies clear geographic delineations: of all the available published works on this topic, only a few have been written by authors based in the United States, and none of these are systematic reviews or based on new research. In fact, almost all are cautionary tales about the use of EMDR in the context of psychosis.

This divide in the literature is reflected in clinical training and practice in the United States, which rests on unsubstantiated beliefs about the risk-benefit ratio for this practice and excludes individuals who have experienced psychosis from receiving EMDR treatment. This presentation will present a review of the literature about this practice and a case study of the process of introducing EMDR as a clinical tool in an early psychosis program at UCSF. 

Creating an effective natural team based on the Windhorse approach - Eric Friedland-Kays, MA, Victoria Yoshen
Imagine someone you love needs support because they experience extreme states of mind that make it difficult to cope with their life in an independent, functional way. Their mind makes it difficult to navigate basic tasks, and causes difficulty in relationships with friends, family, and at their job. You find them a well-meaning outpatient therapist who may not have the skill or time to engage with your loved one sufficiently. This situation becomes increasingly isolating and chaotic. What might you do to establish an effective therapeutic environment for your loved one outside of sending them to a hospital or residential program?

Now imagine creating a comprehensive mental health support system in the community for your loved one so that they can continue to engage with their life as it is. This support system consists of providers who establish one-on-one safety with this person, coach them in the real world, and all communicate weekly. This team consists of a therapeutic housemate,a skilled and humble facilitator, therapeutic mentors, and can include a psychiatrist and family members. The team is cohesive and the conflicts that arise within it are held in a therapeutic context. These relationships are consistent and flexible enough so that your loved one has enough support in the world to continue to lead a functional life with a trajectory of healing and growth.

This presentation from Windhorse Integrative Mental Health explores the unique elements of a community-based Windhorse team for individuals in psychiatric distress. For over forty years, our approach has been utilized at sites in North America and Europe with impressive results. This presentation will describe the key elements of a Windhorse team, explore its usefulness, and will cultivate dialogue about its applicability in home and community settings independent of enrolling in a Windhorse program.

avatar for Connor Adams

Connor Adams

Stanford University
Connor Adams (she/they) is a Clinical Assistant Professor who received her doctorate in psychology from the George Washington University and completed her internship training at Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance. Her clinical and research interests center on therapeutic... Read More →
avatar for Eric Friedland-Kays, MA

Eric Friedland-Kays, MA

Windhorse IMH, Rhythm of Regulation, ARTA
Eric Friedland-Kays is a Senior Psychotherapist at Windhorse Integrative Mental Health, where he has worked since 2000. He earned a Master’s Degree from the School for International Training and has been a psychotherapist for many years trained in Intensive Psychotherapy, Polyvagal... Read More →
avatar for Victoria Yoshen

Victoria Yoshen

Executive Director, Windhorse Integrative Mental Health
Victoria started life and learning in an urban neighborhood in Chicago.  Then she followed her interest in art to 2 years at Pratt and walking all over NYC.  Then in Massachusetts she discovered dance and spiritual communities while being a bookkeeper. She was part of a group of... Read More →

Chris Perry, MS, MA, LMFT

Chris Perry currently works as a therapist in the Path early psychosis program at UCSF.  She has been a provider and advocate in the mental health system of Northern California since 1990 with a focus on improving the lives of people experiencing psychosis.  
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Union Room 613

9:45am EDT

Sanctuary and Spirituality: Holistic Approaches in Community (Virtual)
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Sanctuary and Spirituality: Holistic Approaches in Community 2 x 45 minute sessions
  • Sanctuary in the Forest: An Australian Peer-led Respite for Post-Psychosis Integration Using a Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Approach - Louisa Dent Pearce, MSW (Masters of Social Work)
  • Proposed Mechanisms for Spiritual Coping in Psychosis: A Realist Review - Ola Skudlarska, Bsc, MSW (Pending)

Sanctuary in the Forest: An Australian Peer-led Respite for Post-Psychosis Integration Using a Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Approach - Louisa Dent Pearce, MSW (Masters of Social Work)
The Sanctuary in the Forest is an Australian respite model for people who have experienced psychosis, mania or non-ordinary states of consciousness. The service was inspired by the presenter’s own lived experience of psychosis, her early career in peer support, and trauma-informed models of care such as Dr Sandra Bloom’s Sanctuary Model.

Australia’s mainstream treatment for psychosis focuses on stabilisation of symptoms while often minimising or denying a person’s personal meaning and spiritual aspects of the experience, hence the healing opportunity may be truncated and the person may be left with unresolved trauma, unanswered questions, unprocessed emotions and internalised stigma.

This respite offers a post-psychosis integrative experience where participants can explore worldviews of psychosis and mania, reflect on personal meaning, share stories in conscious ways, process emotions, learn grounding skills, and reduce internalised stigma.

We use an adapted bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework, along with Intentional Peer Support, the Hearing Voices Approach, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, somatic therapy, and grief and loss theory. We also use non-psychoactive spiritual and shamanic practices, appropriate to the participants’ worldviews.

We created a healing map called The Connected Self which invites deeper connection to six domains: self/body; nature/earth; family/friends; community/society; ancestors/guides; and God/Universe. The map can be adjusted for different worldviews and language preferences.

Our design logic uses embodied participation within the therapeutic milieu of a rainforest setting, with scaffolding activities such as discussion, teaching, story-telling, ceremony, creative arts and celebration.

Participants and peer facilitators report significant improvements in motivation, insight and confidence in personal choices and values, and a reduction of negative emotions and thoughts related to their experiences of psychosis/mania. This respite may provide a learning template for other such services or research which seeks to bridge the gap between mainstream mental health and broader cultural and spiritual views of non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Proposed Mechanisms for Spiritual Coping in Psychosis: A Realist Review - Ola Skudlarska, Bsc, MSW (Pending)
A mad realist review of the literature covering spirituality and psychosis provides a set of proposed mechanisms explaining the role of spirituality in coping with psychosis. Three mechanisms are highlighted, Spiritual Meaning Making in the form of Oneness, Spirituality Guiding Narrative Insight and Spiritual Community Building. The practical clinical and community implications and applications are discussed in order to consider a spiritually inclusive engagement with people experiencing psychosis.
avatar for Ola Skudlarska, Bsc, MSW (Pending)

Ola Skudlarska, Bsc, MSW (Pending)

York University
Ola Skudlarska is a Masters of Social Work Student at York University whose research interests include mad-positive views of spirituality and psychosis, Jewish social justice approaches to community work, and radical harm reduction housing models. They have been working directly with... Read More →
avatar for Louisa Dent Pearce, MSW

Louisa Dent Pearce, MSW

Australian Association of Social Workers
Louisa is a Social Worker, Embodied Processing Practitioner, trainer and author. She has recovered from multiple diagnoses, including schizophrenia, gaining direct insight into psycho-spiritual distress and healing.Her career includes work as a researcher, peer worker and trainer... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Virtual only (Zoom)

9:45am EDT

Training Track: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Psychotherapy training rarely addresses work with individuals diagnosed with psychosis, and often actively discourages trainees from pursuing long-term, relationship-based or in-depth work with people who carry this diagnosis.  This two-session workshop aims to address the questions and concerns of students and early career professionals who are interested in learning more about psychological approaches to psychosis by combining an open forum for discussion with a walk-through of clinical transcripts that can form the basis for commentary that can reveal the richness and efficacy of this often life-giving work.
avatar for Nancy Burke, PhD, ABPP

Nancy Burke, PhD, ABPP

ISPS-US Vice President, Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis
Nancy Burke is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Evanston IL.  She is the Vice President of ISPS-US, a Core Faculty member and Past-President of the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis, Co-Convener of the 606  Project, Co-Chair of Expanded Mental Health Services of Chicago NFP... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Union Room 119

11:15am EDT

Saturday November 2, 2024 11:15am - 11:30am EDT
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:15am - 11:30am EDT
Union Ballroom

11:30am EDT

Incorporating the Voices of Lived Experience of Psychosis into Medical Education (In-Person only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Incorporating the voices of individuals with lived experience of psychosis into medical education, particularly in psychiatry, has the potential to profoundly enrich the training of future mental health professionals. Individuals with lived experience have important perspectives to share about the nature of psychosis, its treatment, and the mental health system itself. By doing so, trainees and seasoned physicians alike gain invaluable insights into the personal and social dimensions of mental illness, which are often underrepresented in traditional medical training.

Evidence suggests that incorporating lived experiences into education fosters empathy, reduces stigma, and enhances the communication skills of psychiatric trainees. Students report a deeper understanding of the complexities of mental health conditions and a greater appreciation for patient-centered care. Furthermore, this approach encourages future psychiatrists to view patients as partners in the therapeutic process, promoting a more holistic and collaborative approach to mental health care.

This panel, comprised of two clinicians and two people with lived experience of psychosis, will share ways in which those voices have been incorporated into medical education within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University. This has occurred in multiple formats including guest lectures, small group discussions, and a Grand Rounds presentation. We will share relevant institutional background leading to the development of these programs, firsthand accounts of the experience of presenting in these settings, and a discussion of ways to expand this work throughout our department.

The presentation also addresses the challenges of integrating these voices into medical education, including potential ethical concerns, the need for appropriate support for participants with lived experience, and institutional resistance to curriculum changes. We discuss strategies to mitigate these challenges, such as providing training for individuals sharing their experiences, ensuring a supportive environment, and demonstrating the value of these programs through research and feedback.

In conclusion, incorporating voices of lived experience in psychiatric education enriches the learning experience, better prepares future psychiatrists for practice, and ultimately contributes to more compassionate and effective mental health care. This presentation calls for a concerted effort to make these programs an integral part of medical education, highlighting their transformative impact on both students and the broader mental health system.
avatar for Justin Palanci

Justin Palanci

Emory University
Justin Palanci, MD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Emory University School of Medicine. He serves as Medical Director for the Assertive Community Treatment program at Grady Memorial Hospital. His interests include recovery-oriented... Read More →
avatar for David Goldsmith, MD MSc

David Goldsmith, MD MSc

Associate Professor, Emory University
Dr. David R. Goldsmith is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine and is the Associate Program Director for the Psychiatry Residency Research Track. He is also on Faculty in the Emory Behavioral Immunology... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Union Room 613

11:30am EDT

Integrating Peer Support and Family Experience in Psychosis Care (Virtual Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Background: Outcomes in early psychosis are greatly improved by intervening at the earliest possible point using a Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) model that facilitates comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care for individuals who are exhibiting early signs and symptoms of psychosis. However, there is little guidance on family interventions that best compliments the care the client is receiving, and that meets the unique needs of the family, within CSC. Psychosis REACH (Recovery by Enabling Adult Carers at Home) is a Family Intervention for psychosis (FIp) that delivers psychoeducation, evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis (CBTp)-informed skills and peer support to family caregivers in the community. This study examines family members’ qualitative experiences receiving the pREACH intervention in a CSC setting.  Method: 20 Family members, whose loved ones are receiving care in an early psychosis clinic, received training in the pREACH model, attended follow-up monthly coaching calls and peer family ambassador support for 6 months. Ten family members participated in a 45min semi-structured interview to provide feedback on the intervention. A Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) was conducted using NVIVO by three team members not involved in intervention delivery.  Results: Three principal themes emerged from the RTA: (1) confidence (i.e., building internal resources), (2) connection (i.e., building external resources), (3) improvements for future cohorts. Discussion: This study is the first qualitative exploration of the integration of pREACH in an early psychosis service. Challenges and opportunities for integration will be discussed and areas for future study presented.

Oral Health Recovery: A Peer Specialist-Led Dental Education Program - Adrienne Lapidos, PhD
Introduction: The link between oral health and mental health is well established, leading advocates to declare that there is “no mental health without oral health” (Kisley, 2016). But people with psychotic disorders are subject to significant oral health disparities, driven by psychological factors; medication side-effects (chiefly xerostomia, or “dry mouth”); and social determinants of health impacting dental care utilization. This presentation will review the bidirectional relationship between mental health and oral health, and describe the results of a pilot study which implemented a Peer Specialist-led oral health education and referral program.

Methods: Community-engaged methods were utilized. Randomized parallel assignment was used to compare two arms: (1) group viewing of an oral health educational video (VC), and (2) a peer-led one-time class providing education and motivation to access dental care (Oral Health Recovery Group, OHRG). In both arms, Peer Specialists followed up with participants to facilitate scheduling dental appointments and reinforce goals. Oral health knowledge, at-home care, motivation, and appointment scheduling were ascertained. Qualitative interviews assessed barriers and facilitators.

Results: Sixty-two people participated. Participants were dentally vulnerable, with 27% reporting they had 9 teeth or less, 55% reporting their teeth caused discomfort in the past 12 months, and 48% reporting xerostomia. Pre/post-intervention survey results did not significantly improve or differ between arms. At follow-up, 25 (68%) in OHRG and 14 (56%) in VC attributed meeting a dental goal to the program. Ten (27%) in OHRG and 9 (36%) in VC attributed making a dentist appointment to the program. Participants were comfortable with Peer Specialists in this role, yet access barriers remained.

Conclusions: Surveys did not significantly improve, suggesting that more intensive interventions are needed. Nevertheless, 19 highly vulnerable people successfully scheduled dentist appointments after only a one-time class and light-touch peer navigation. Oral health integration shows promise, meriting further research.
avatar for Katie Benitah, MSc, MA

Katie Benitah, MSc, MA

York University
Passionate about unraveling the complexities of psychology and neuroscience, I thrive in collaborative environments where teamwork and leadership drive transformative outcomes. Currently pursuing my doctoral degree, I bring a unique blend of research and clinical practice experience... Read More →
avatar for Melanie Lean

Melanie Lean

Stanford University
Melanie Lean, Clin.Psych.D. is a Californian and UK licensed clinical psychologist, Clinical Assistant Professor, and assistant director of research in the INSPIRE early psychosis clinic, Stanford University School of Medicine. She provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis... Read More →
avatar for Adrienne Lapidos, PhD

Adrienne Lapidos, PhD

University of Michigan
Adrienne is a licensed clinical psychologist and clinical associate professor with the University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Psychiatry. Her research focuses on innovations designed to improve access to care, especially those led by community health workers and peer... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Virtual only (Zoom)

11:30am EDT

Meaningful Street Therapy: Beyond Crisis, Quantification, and Quick-fix (Hybrid)
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
In this panel, we will be sharing, discussing, and thematizing preliminary results from an ongoing, grant-funded, qualitative research study which looks at how those experiencing homelessness and housing precarity interact with, negotiate, and navigate mental health services in the City of Pittsburgh.  

From this foundational research, we will tentatively imagine how humanistic, phenomenological, and psychoanalytic perspectives could challenge and transform what is widely accepted as mental health services for those experiencing homelessness in the City of Pittsburgh.

Jeremy Northup, PsyD, MA

Point Park University
Jeremy J. Northup is a researcher and Assistant Professor of Psychology at Point Park University. He has worked in many settings across the psy-disciplines including college counseling, community mental health, and state psychiatric facilities. He is co-founder of the Pittsburgh Continental... Read More →

Calla Kainaroi, MA, LSW

Executive Director, Bridge Outreach
Calla Kainaroi is the Executive Director of Bridge Outreach. She has a Master's Degree in Clinical-Community Psychology and is a Licensed Social Worker.

Anna Kreienberg, MA

Duquesne University
Anna Kreienberg is a Clinical Psychology doctoral student at Duquesne University. She practices psychotherapy in community mental health settings and teaches on the psychology of gender.
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Union Ballroom

11:30am EDT

Psychoanalytic Practice (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Psychoanalytic Practice (2 x 30 minute presentations)
  • Counter-transference Hopelessness and Hate and the Burnout of FEP Clinicians - Irene Hurford, MD
  • Madness and the Real: Recentering the Unconscious in the Clinic of Psychosis - Elan Y. Cohen, PhD

Counter-transference Hopelessness and Hate and the Burnout of FEP Clinicians - Irene Hurford, MD
Working with young people experiencing early psychosis is deeply rewarding work. It is also difficult, draining, and at times heartbreaking. The rate of turnover of staff in CSC programs is unknown, but experientially it aligns with other community mental health (CMH) turnover rates, which are high (Herschell et al., 2020). Reasons given for turnover in CMH are myriad (Beidas et al., 2016; Yanchus et al., 2017). What is rarely mentioned in research publications is the sense of hopelessness that is often engendered in clinicians as they work with young people with psychosis. Some of this despair may be related to the social disparities that many of their clients face, including poverty, abuse, and homelessness, or to the difficulty of the work itself, because recovering from psychosis is non-linear, and sometimes unsuccessful. But some of it is related to counter-transference hate and hopelessness. While analytic clinicians in the 1950s-1970s wrote about these experiences fairly regularly (Searles, Harold F, 1963), as treatment turned medical and/or cognitive, the focus on the feelings engendered in the clinician by the work with psychotic people disappeared. In my experience, it is rarely discussed in supervision, and when brought up, is sometimes met with judgement from other clinicians. And yet these feelings are a critical part of deep work with psychotic individuals (Quagelli, Luca, 2019), an experiencing of the client’s own feelings of hopelessness and rage. But unmetabolized, these near-universal feelings in clinicians can lead to burnout and an ongoing exodus of clinicians from the CSC setting. I discuss these counter-transferential feelings in more depth using clinical examples, and relating it more broadly to the field, before discussing possible strategies to deal with counter-transference in the CSC workforce and ways to combat burnout and staff turnover.

Madness and the Real: Recentering the Unconscious in the Clinic of Psychosis - Elan Y. Cohen, PhD
This presentation problematizes classical assumptions about the relationship between dreams, madness, the unconscious, and reality. I critique an adaptationist psychoanalytic perspective that interprets psychosis as resulting from a defective ego, failing to regulate an excess of unconscious activity. I argue that the classical interpretation prioritizes ego functioning and emphasizes the subject’s adaptation to a defective social reality. In contrast, this presentation offers a psychoanalytic conceptualization of psychosis that aspires to liberate, approaching psychosis as a resistance to processes that efface subjectivity. As such, I advocate for a combined social and psychoanalytic approach to psychosis that recenters the unconscious, which I define as the psychic apparatus that buffers the subject from unmediated proximity to the Real. The presentation will review Freud’s two principles of mental functioning; Bion’s concepts of psychic metabolism, beta-elements and the alpha-function; and the Lacanian registers of the Real and the Symbolic. In each of these frameworks, psychosis can be understood as stemming from a traumatogenic reality that resists symbolization or alpha-betization. The presentation will highlight the utility of each of these frameworks in clinical practice.
avatar for Elan Y Cohen, PhD

Elan Y Cohen, PhD

Adelphi University
Elan Y. Cohen is a clinical psychologist interested in social and psychoanalytic approaches to trauma and psychosis. Prior to graduate training, he worked as a recovery specialist in a crisis respite center and the Parachute NYC Open Dialogue mobile program. He is currently a postdoctoral... Read More →
avatar for Irene Hurford, MD

Irene Hurford, MD

Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
Irene Hurford, M.D. is in private practice in Abington, PA. Prior to starting her practice in 2020, Dr. Hurford was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. She was the founder and clinical director for the Psychosis Education, Assessment... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Union Room 119

12:30pm EDT

Saturday November 2, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT
A catered lunch will be provided in the Union Ballroom (main conference space) for all attendees
Saturday November 2, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT
Union Ballroom

1:30pm EDT

Thinking Irremediability: Palliative Psychiatry and Mad Autonomy (Virtual Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
Recent work within bioethics has engaged with the question of palliative care for mental illness. In particular, recent arguments for palliative psychiatry make the argument that recognition of individuals’ ability to make determinations about care can extend to giving individuals the option to choose palliative care in the face of long-standing, treatment-refractory illness.

While arguments within bioethics have engaged with the question of autonomy here, perspectives from Mad Studies have been noticeably absent in this discourse. This presentation will interrogate the question of autonomy and palliative care from the perspective of Mad Studies, asking how framing and understanding of determinations of futile care, as well as arguments for offering palliative care as a way of respecting agency, change when lived experience perspectives are centered. In so doing, it will argue that these perspectives offer vital, and previously uninterrogated, points of consideration.

Kathleen Lowenstein

Michigan State University
Kathleen Lowenstein is a doctoral candidate at Michigan State University whose research focuses on the ethics of mental health and illness, with a specific focus on schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. She is particularly interested in integrating critical perspectives... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
Virtual only (Zoom)

1:30pm EDT

From Crack to Psychedelics: Frontiers in Psychosis Work (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
From Crack to Psychedelics: Frontiers in Psychosis Work  - 2 x 45 minute sessions
  •  Swimming to the Horizon: Crack, Psychosis, and Street-Corner Social Work: Zak Mucha, LCSW
  •  The Psychedelic Therapy Train Wreck: Ethical Responses To A Corrupt Industry - Will Hall, MA, DIplPW, Phd Candidate

Swimming to the Horizon: Crack, Psychosis, and Street-Corner Social Work: Zak Mucha, LCSW
Working with a population suffering severe psychotic symptoms, homelessness, and addictions, a non-traditional clinical frame can allow for psychodynamic work. The patient’s relationship to a clinician is more than meds and case management and can be created in a clinical frame not limited to the corners of a physical office. This presentation will consider Bionian and Lacanian structures to examine the possibilities of joining with a patient in their worlds, both internal and external, to understand how psychotic symptoms can hold a narrative of past trauma and possess the hope for an emerging self.

The Psychedelic Therapy Train Wreck: Ethical Responses To A Corrupt Industry - Will Hall, MA, DIplPW, Phd Candidate
Drugs are winning the war on drugs, and it's time to end criminalization of underground psychoactive substances, including psychedelics, less socially accepted than alcohol and nicotine (or psychiatric medications). Harm reduction policies are essential. But proposed medicalization schemes betray the informed consent vital to harm reduction: the new "psychedelic revival" peddles psychedelic exceptionalism hype based in shoddy research, driven by a corrupt decades-old network of new age zealots with a glaring track record of abusing patients under the cover of a code of silence.

"Psychedelic therapy" would put powerful suggestibility, disinhibiting, and vulnerability drugs in the hands of status and money hungry professionals already proven to systematically misuse their power. As the psychiatric system struggles with the decline of the SSRI brand and a lack of products for the PTSD market, are new drugs to play with the solution, or just a repeat of everything wrong with psychiatry? And if commercialization, as tried with cannabis, risks disastrous Brave New World implications in a dystopian capitalist society already desperate to escape and tranquilize, what is the way forward?

Fortunately, new voices are breaking the psychedelic hype bubble: an emerging "critical psychedelic studies" provides a crucial new perspective with wide implications for everyone engaged with the social response to psychosis. In this context, two central myths about psychosis need to be overcome - that anyone with a psychosis diagnosis or history cannot use psychedelics meaningfully in their lives, and that psychosis is just another diagnostic market to benefit from the magic powers of these new wonder drugs. Join us for a sober check-in on how survivors, clinicians, researchers, and policymakers can respond to the new psychedelic revival, and what visions we need for decriminalization of psychedelics from the perspective of innovating our systems and responses to psychosis, not just reinforcing them.
avatar for Will Hall, MA, DIplPW, Phd Candidate

Will Hall, MA, DIplPW, Phd Candidate

Maastricht University School for Mental Health and Neuroscience
Will Hall, MA, DiplPW, PhD Candidate Maastricht University, is a therapist and community development worker changing the social response to madness. A schizophrenia diagnosis survivor and longtime organizer with the psychiatric survivor movement, will is trained in Jungian psychology... Read More →
avatar for Zak Mucha, LCSW

Zak Mucha, LCSW

Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis
Zak Mucha, LCSW, is a psychoanalyst in private practice and president of the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis. He spent seven years working as the supervisor of an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program, providing 24/7 services to persons suffering from severe psychosis, substance... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Union Room 613

1:30pm EDT

Hearing Voices Implementation (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Hearing Voices Implementaiton - 2 x 45 minute sessions
  •  Veteran Voices and Visions: Adapting the Hearing Voices Approach to an Urban VA Healthcare System - Ippolytos Kalofonos MD PhD MPH, Erica Hua Fletcher, PhD, Carol Jahchan, PhD, Sahastri Hercules, Cindy Hadge
  •  Online Hearing Voices Groups in the NHS: A Feasibility Study - Alison Branitsky, Mres

Veteran Voices and Visions: Adapting the Hearing Voices Approach to an Urban VA Healthcare System - Ippolytos Kalofonos MD PhD MPH, Erica Hua Fletcher, PhD, Carol Jahchan, PhD, Sahastri Hercules, Cindy Hadge, Tim Laprade
The Veteran Voices and Visions (VVV) project is an adaptation of the Hearing Voices approach to the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Healthcare System that serves 1.4 million Veterans. The VA has officially adopted the recovery model and employs over 1400 peer specialists nationwide. The VVV project uses virtual support groups, co-facilitated by a clinician and a Veteran peer who is an “expert-by-experience,” to normalize experiences such as hearing voices and seeing visions. We are trying to build an evidence-base to get this approach recognized and available for use across the VA. Thus, VVV includes a research component to 1) study the adaptation of a Hearing Voices Facilitator training to the VA and 2) to understand how participating in VVV groups may help Veterans live with their voices and make meaning from their experiences. Our approach has involved multidisciplinary collaborations - including perspectives and contributions from Veterans who hear voices, Veteran peer support specialists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, social researchers, and national Hearing Voices leaders. Group members explore personal understandings and contexts of so-called “unusual” experiences commonly diagnosed as psychosis rather than privileging biomedical framings; we also encourage and support Veterans in engaging with their experiences as potentially meaningful rather than only interpreting them as symptoms of an illness to be eliminated. In VVV groups, Veterans share their stories, coping strategies, and worldviews, and often end up supporting each other in their ongoing life projects.

This panel brings together some of the participants of the project to share our perspectives and experiences, including researchers, clinicians, Veteran participants and facilitators, and trainers. We will explore some of the successes, challenges, lessons learned, possibilities, and contradictions of bringing this community-based, peer-driven approach into a large, bureaucratic health system.

Online Hearing Voices Groups in the NHS: A Feasibility Study - Alison Branitsky, Mres
Over the past 40 years, Hearing Voices Network Peer Support Groups (HVGs) have proliferated across the globe. HVGs are built on the ethos of self-determination and collective liberation, positing that voice hearing is a normal human experience and that individuals who hear voices are best positioned to determine how to understand and respond to their experiences. While HVGs exist widely in the community, they are also being run within statutory services, whose ethos are at times at odds with those of the Hearing Voices Network (HVN). This presentation will explore both preliminary findings and personal experiences of running the first feasibility trial of online HVGs within the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). The presentations will cover how the group was adapted to run in the NHS while maintaining the values of HVN; qualitative and quantitative outcomes of group participation; challenges and opportunities arising from the online medium; the practical and philosophical possibilities and contradictions that arise from implementing survivor-led initiatives into public healthcare systems; and considerations for implementing these groups in a US-context.
avatar for Erica Hua Fletcher

Erica Hua Fletcher

Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System
Dr. Fletcher is a mental health services researcher at the VA of Greater Los Angeles. Her research focuses on peer-involved interventions, mental health social movements, and Mad/disability studies. She has worked on adapting the Hearing Voices support group approach for Veterans... Read More →
avatar for Ippolytos Kalofonos, MD, PhD, MPH

Ippolytos Kalofonos, MD, PhD, MPH

Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
Ippolytos Kalofonos, MD PhD MPH is an assistant professor-in-residence in the UCLA Center for Social Medicine. He is a medical anthropologist and a practicing psychiatrist in the Greater Los Angeles Veteran Affairs Medical Center. He has been working on adapting the Hearing Voices... Read More →
avatar for Carol Jahchan, PhD

Carol Jahchan, PhD

Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System
I’m a licensed bicultural clinical psychologist with a specialization in the neuroscience of mental illness. I provide psychosocial rehabilitation services at the West LA VA Medical Center and have been involved in the Veteran Voices and Visions group as a facilitator for the past... Read More →
avatar for Sahastri Hercules

Sahastri Hercules

Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System
Sahastri (Sash) Hercules, US Army Veteran, voice hearer, and Co-Facilitator
avatar for Cindy Hadge

Cindy Hadge

Wildflower Alliance
Cindy Hadge, The Director of Collaborative Projects for The Wildflower Alliance, has provided Hearing Voices Network Training for over a decade. Cindy has had the pleasure of training and collaborating with the Veterans, Voices. Visions Project from its beginning.
avatar for Alison Branitsky, Mres

Alison Branitsky, Mres

University of Manchester/Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Alison Branitsky is a lived-experience researcher and mental health advocate whose work focuses on broadening our understanding of and approaches to responding to extreme mental distress. She currently is a PhD student at the University of Manchester in the UK.
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Union Room 119

1:30pm EDT

Phenomenology panel: Psychosis at the Intersection of Subject and System (Hybrid)
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Phenomenological psychopathology has traditionally applied the methods and concepts of phenomenology to clarify the experience of those with psychiatric diagnoses, including psychosis. While this has prioritized the lived experience of persons with psychosis and broadened the scope of what psychiatry and other mental health disciplines pay attention to in diagnostic and treatment practices, the focus of phenomenological psychopathology, with some exceptions, primarily been limited to an emphasis on alterations in isolated individuals.

However, there have been some recent trends to expand the discipline to a consideration of systems of care and how they may impact or be involved in the experience of psychosis. Along these lines, one line of work has explored using the tools of phenomenology to explore the meaning-making process in the psychiatric encounter, recognizing the ways certain narratives and explanations may be privileged while others ignored or pathologized. Another set of literature has used phenomenological research methods to explicate encounters with various systems of care and opportunities for enhancing shared decision-making among those with psychosis. A third has pushed for user-led research to further broaden the range of experiences considered in phenomenological approaches to psychosis, while also interrogating the impact of stigma on accessing care. Others have focused on the ways that psychosis is embedded in and takes up particular cultural and political landscapes, and on the impact of contextual factors in experiences of and responses to various interventions.

In this panel, we will hear from several panelists on the ways they view the potential for phenomenology to consider experiences of and within healthcare systems, and on the challenges phenomenological psychopathology still faces in its current conceptualizations of psychosis. Commentary and discussion will follow, with an emphasis on linking these initiatives with the history of phenomenological psychopathology and on the relevance of this work for conferences attendees.
avatar for Elizabeth Pienkos, PsyD

Elizabeth Pienkos, PsyD

Duquesne University
Dr. Liz Pienkos is a licensed clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor of Psychology at Duquesne University. Her research focuses on the phenomenology of schizophrenia, using qualitative methods to explore the mechanisms and features of this and other psychiatric disorders. Her... Read More →
avatar for Anthony Pavlo, PhD

Anthony Pavlo, PhD

Yale University
Anthony J. Pavlo, PhD is clinical psychologist and an Associate Research Scientist at the Yale University Program for Recovery and Community Health, Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Pavlo’s work is dedicated to ensuring all patients can experience and benefit from high quality person-centered... Read More →
avatar for Cherise Rosen, MD, PhD

Cherise Rosen, MD, PhD

University of Illinois-Chicago
Cherise Rosen, PhD is faculty at the University of Illinois, Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Rosen is a phenomenologist who has conducted extensive research on dimensions of psychosis. She is Co-PI of the Chicago Longitudinal Research Program which is one of the longest running follow-up... Read More →
avatar for Matthew Broome, PhD

Matthew Broome, PhD

University of Birmingham
Professor Matthew Broome BSc (Hons) MBChB (Hons) PGCAP PhD PhD FRCPsych (he/him)Matthew Broome is Chair in Psychiatry and Youth Mental Health, and Director of the Institute for Mental Health atthe University of Birmingham. In the NHS, Matthew is Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist to... Read More →
avatar for Shannon Pagdon, BA

Shannon Pagdon, BA

University of Pittsburgh
Shannon Pagdon, BA (she/they), is a joint masters/doctoral student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is a former Research Coordinator for EPINET New York State Psychiatric... Read More →
avatar for Nadika Paranamana, PsyD

Nadika Paranamana, PsyD

Yale University
Nadika Paranamana, Psy.D., is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University School of Medicine and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Connecticut Healthcare System. Dr. Paranamana’s work is grounded in humanistic-existential framework and is centered on justice, diversity, equity... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
Union Ballroom

3:00pm EDT

Break & Poster Sessions
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
We are excited to showcase a diverse array of research and innovative projects in our Poster Sessions, which will be displayed in the Duquesne Ballroom throughout Saturday's conference event. Attendees are encouraged to explore these presentations at their leisure.

To facilitate meaningful discussions and networking opportunities, dedicated poster viewing times will be held during the afternoon breaks from 3:00-3:30 PM and 5:00-5:30 PM. During these times, poster presenters will be available to discuss their work, answer questions, and engage with attendees.

An award will be given to the best poster. A panel of judges, including conference chair Nev Jones, PhD, will select the winner.

Preliminary Poster Presentations (More TBC)
  • Exploring the Feasibility and Acceptability of Theater-Improvisation Interventions for Psychosis: Insights from Outpatient Service Users - Selin Yalcinkaya, BA
  • Voices of Black Clients and Their Families: Keys to Better Engagement in Psychosis Care  - Yasmine Boumaiz, BS, Beshaun Davis, PhD, Melanie E. Bennett, PhD, Alicia Lucksted, PhD, Nev Jones, PhD, Swati Nayar BS, Arunadevi Saravana, M.Sc, Krissa Rouse, MA, LCPC
  • Connection and Shared Meaning in Psychosis: A Qualitative Investigation into the Psychiatrist-Patient Relationship - Melissa Uehling, MA
  • Re-stigmatizing Mental Health: Semiotics of oppression in the medical model of schizophrenia -  Alexej Gundy, AB
  •  Psychosis: Just a Bump in the Road? - Erin McGrath
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Union Ballroom

3:30pm EDT

Exploring Intrasubjective Landscapes (Virtual Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
While there is new neuroscience research that validates an approach to helping individuals manage extreme states by incorporating awareness of the embodied experience with meditation and mindfulness techniques I would like to propose combining this awareness with a curriculum that also includes engaging in creative flow experiences either in the production of visual art or movement of the body. These approaches have been on the margins of the alternative psychiatry movement for years. Sculpt.Your.Mind™ —future 501(c)(3)—has designed a way to provide alternative therapeutic interventions for those experiencing extreme states and for those wanting to learn their own mind. The value of this approach is coming into the light given neuroscience and interests psychedelics. This needs only one's own mind. The founder of Sculpt.Your.Mind™ -Samantha Dorian- lead an experiential workshop at the annual conference of NSGP at Lesley University. She aims at integrating the embodied experiences of sense perception with the awareness of the here & now, i.e. bridging the meditative technique of concentration with group psychodynamics. There is a third component to this unique curriculum and that is the embodied experience of the visual components with action and production by the participant. Therefore, three aspects of engagement are: group psychodynamic, pro-social priming, meditative concentration on the felt sense of being, and finally the creative production in a state of flow. These organically ignite the prefrontal cortex while engaging the amygdala in a pro-social group experience. Potentially allowing participants to create psychic space and learn their observe their inner landscape rather than be caught by it. This freedom of expression allows for an experience of agency as well as awareness of one’s uniqueness. Stimulating neuropathic reconstructions through imagination & visual representations is nothing new, but this specific curriculum adapts these for extreme states in order to allow the brain to bloom new possibilities for positive sublimation & integration. Neural plasticity ranges from functional to structural and the possibilities for better care for this population are endless with the tools from Sculpt.Your.Mind™
avatar for Samantha Dorian, MDiv, PsyD Candidate

Samantha Dorian, MDiv, PsyD Candidate

Boston Granduate School of Psychoanalysis
Samantha is pursuing her clinical doctorate in psychoanalysis in order to help individuals suffering from extreme states such as psychosis and "schizophrenia".  She is a meditation practitioner in the Vipassana tradition as well and a meditation instructor. Her interests in alternative... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Virtual only (Zoom)

3:30pm EDT

Identifying and Addressing Stigma in Mental Health Care (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Identifying and Addressing Stigma in Mental Health Care - 2 x 45 minute sessions
  • Stigma in professional psychology advice-giving - Philip T. Yanos, PhD, Dan Bernstein MHS, Soo Min Kim, MA
  • Destigmatizing Psychiatric Care: Listening to Lived Experience - Dorothy Clare Tessman, MSN, APRN, DNP Pending

Stigma in professional psychology advice-giving - Philip T. Yanos, PhD, Dan Bernstein MHS, Soo Min Kim, MA
Although research generally supports that mental health professionals endorse less stigma toward people diagnosed with mental health conditions than the general public, there is evidence that stigma persists in this group (O'Connor & Yanos, 2024). Further, when expressed by mental health professionals, stigma may be more impactful. Recently, with the growth of online advice-giving platforms (which allow professionals to take on the role of "influencer" [see White and Hanley, 2022]), expressions of stigma by mental health professionals may also be impactful if they are read by members of the general public, who may then feel emboldened to enact stigma (such as social rejection or the expression of demeaning comments) toward people diagnosed with mental illnesses that they encounter in their daily lives. Psychology Today (psychologytoday.com) is a major platform of professional "advice-giving" which at times publishes articles expressing problematic statements which could impact behavior toward people diagnosed with mental health conditions. The purpose of this study is to survey persons who contribute to Psychology Today on their views regarding a number of problematic statements that have been made on the platform. 500 contributors listed on the Psychology Today website will be randomly selected and emailed an invitation with a survey link using publicly available information. The survey includes demographic questions, questions about a series of problematic statements made by Psychology Today contributors, and the Opening Minds stigma scale for health care providers (Modgil et al. 2014). We anticipate that a significant proportion of advice-givers will agree with problematic statements about people with mental health conditions, and that agreement with these statements will be associated with stigma as measured by the Opening Minds scale. Data collection for the project is currently ongoing and we anticipate that it will be complete by July 2024.

Destigmatizing Psychiatric Care: Listening to Lived Experience - Dorothy Clare Tessman, MSN, APRN, DNP Pending
Stigma is a barrier to care for people who hear voices and have disrupted salience regulation, leaving healthcare needs unmet, and healthcare workers reporting helplessness, a factor in burnout. Psychiatric evaluations focus on risk, prompting fearful thoughts for vulnerable patients, instigating stigma, and exacerbating symptoms, a concern for causing more harm than they prevent. Rapport with clinicians reduces repeat admissions and unnecessary emergency visits for mental health. Rapport development with the Maastricht Approach (MAp) is a therapeutic intervention, aiming to improve the quality of healthcare experiences for service users and care teams.

Healthcare workers in psychiatric settings seek less stigmatizing, supportive methods to build therapeutic rapport while also meeting the systemic needs of ensuring safe, effective care. Healthcare reform, widely recognized as a desperate mandate, includes the Quality Improvement aims of reducing burnout by improving care teams’ experiences as well as reducing disparities, and improving the quality and value of care, all of which are factors addressed by this project.

This Quality Improvement project is empowering healthcare workers to use MAp, offering prompts for rapport-building evaluation. Participants completed Continuing Education questionnaires and Adapting Practice forms indicating intent to use MAp in encounters with service users. Aims are to improve healthcare workers’ confidence using open curiosity and compassion to build rapport and therapeutic alliance, reducing stigmatization and harm to service users from assessment processes.

avatar for Philip T. Yanos, PhD

Philip T. Yanos, PhD

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Philip Yanos is a stigma researcher and mental health service provider in New York City.
avatar for Dan Berstein, MHS

Dan Berstein, MHS

Dan Berstein is a mediator living with bipolar disorder who uses conflict resolution best practices to promote empowering mental health communication and prevent mental illness discrimination.
avatar for Soo Min Kim, MA

Soo Min Kim, MA

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Soo Min Kim is a graduate of the Master’s program in Forensic Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is interested in mental health and stigma of Korean Americans.
avatar for Dorothy Clare Tessman, DNP, APRN

Dorothy Clare Tessman, DNP, APRN

adjunct faculty, UIC College of Nursing
Clare Tessman is a Nurse Practitioner, in practice as a mental health provider for over 10 years. Clare's interests in healing for individuals, families, and communities make addressing and diminishing the power of stigma a clear calling.
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Union Room 613

3:30pm EDT

Involuntary Commitment and its Potential Impacts: A Multidisciplinary Dialogue Spanning Research, Ethics and Methodology (Hybrid)
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
The involuntary hospitalization of people experiencing mental health crises is a widespread practice across the US, as common as imprisonment in state and federal prisons.  In spite of persistent concerns from service users and advocates, the impacts of involuntary treatment have been difficult to characterize, and causal inference limited by structural and ethical barriers.  This panel will lead with important new research led by Dr. Welle utilizing administrative data from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and leveraging the quasi-random assignment of evaluating physicians in order to estimate causal effects of involuntary hospitalization on post-discharge death by suicide or overdose, violent crime and employment.   For individuals whom some physicians would hospitalize but others would not, the team has found that hospitalization nearly doubles the probability of being charged with a violent crime or dying by suicide or overdose in the three months after evaluation.  Remaining panelists – Drs. Morgan Shields, Awais Aftab, and Travis Donohoe – will reflect on these provocative findings and share their own adjacent work.  Specifically, Dr. Shields will focus on inpatient psychiatry, including common experiences in inpatient settings, and the potential role of inpatient iatrogenic harm with respect to post-discharge outcomes.  Dr. Awais, a community psychiatrist and philosopher of psychiatry, will discuss ethical and political implications, as well as potential ways forward. Finally, Dr. Donahoe will reflect on methods-related challenges and next steps to advance policy research across the US.  
avatar for Nev Jones, PhD

Nev Jones, PhD

University of Pittsburgh
Nev Jones, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work and affiliate faculty in psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. Grounded in direct experience of psychosis, her scholarship and clinical training work have sought to challenge conventional over-simplifications... Read More →
avatar for Pim Welle, PhD

Pim Welle, PhD

Chief Data Scientist, Allegheny County Department of Health, Carnegie Mellon University
avatar for Morgan Shields, PhD

Morgan Shields, PhD

Washington University
Morgan Shields’ researches the quality and accountability of behavioral healthcare. Her work seeks to identify implementation strategies to improve the use of evidence-based practices, with a focus on patient-centered care and equity. She is particularly focused on identifying policies... Read More →
avatar for Awais Aftab, MD

Awais Aftab, MD

Case Western Reserve University
avatar for Travis Donahoe, PhD

Travis Donahoe, PhD

University of Pittsburgh
I am a health economist whose research focuses on how public policies can reduce harms from addictive substance use at the population level. My work on this topic features applied economic theory, state-of-the-art econometric methods, and large and novel datasets. 
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Union Ballroom

3:30pm EDT

Psychosis and the Reproductive Body (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Psychosis and the Reproductive Body - 2 x 45 minute sessions
  • Reconceiving Peripartum Psychosis: Developmental, psychosocial, and phenomenological perspectives - Elizabeth Pienkos, PsyD, Marie Brown, PhD, Tate Hudson, MA, Brenda Froyen
  • Not Just Hot Flashes: Navigating Extreme States in the Menopausal Transition - Leah Harris, MA

Reconceiving Peripartum Psychosis: Developmental, psychosocial, and phenomenological perspectives  - 
Elizabeth Pienkos, PsyD, Marie Brown, PhD, Tate Hudson, MA, Brenda Froyen.

Peripartum psychosis is a largely underresearched condition, and interventions vary widely. In the U.S., it is primarily attributed to biological causes, and treated via medication, often in inpatient psychiatric settings. The narratives of women who face peripartum psychosis, however, reveal the significant role played by communication about idealized states of motherhood, and their conflict with women’s real experiences of motherhood, in the development of distress and ultimately psychiatric symptoms. In this panel, we will highlight these frequently unheard stories of psychosis and motherhood, and the potential for interventions to either enhance or disrupt attempts at integrating a wide range of experiences found in pregnancy and early motherhood. Presentations will offer reflections on: the experience of peripartum psychosis and encounters with medical and psychiatric institutions; phenomenology and its potential to illuminate two recent narratives of peripartum psychosis, Inferno (Cho, 2020) and Setting the wire (Townsend, 2019); multidisciplinary perspectives on peripartum psychosis that help to escape a purely biomedical vision of this condition, drawing specifically on a developmental (i.e., matrescence) and socio-political lens; the possibilities in feminist phenomenology to help unpack the progression of experiences reported by women with peripartum psychosis. From these talks, we hope to offer a range of ways to think about peripartum psychosis that can shape intervention to be more responsive to women’s lived experience.

Not Just Hot Flashes: Navigating Extreme States in the Menopausal Transition - Leah Harris, MA
The menopausal transition can be characterized by a wide range of embodied experiences, including new onset or intensification of voice-hearing and extreme states. Presenter + psychiatric survivor Leah Harris went through extreme states for the first time during this phase of life, and will share insights from documenting and researching this experience over the past five years. For example, there is a documented "second peak" in first onset of extreme states that occurs during the menopausal years of 45-55, as well as higher rates of psychiatric hospitalization and suicide. Yet there is little to nothing in the way of awareness and customized supports for people experiencing psychosis for the first time during midlife. This workshop will highlight holistic, de-pathologized, gender-inclusive, and social justice-based strategies for understanding and raising awareness about this complex, mysterious, and important facet of human experience. 
avatar for Brenda Froyen

Brenda Froyen

Brenda Froyen is a Belgian author, mental health advocate, and educator. Known for her work in raising awareness about psychiatric care and mental health issues, she has written several books drawing from her personal experiences with mental health crises. Her writings and public... Read More →
avatar for Marie Brown, PhD

Marie Brown, PhD

ISPS-US Vice-President, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Marie Brown, PhD,  is a clinical psychologist in New York City. She is the President of the US Chapter of the International Society for the Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS-US) and a co-founder of Hearing Voices Network NYC. She is co-editor of Women & Psychosis... Read More →
avatar for Leah Harris, MA

Leah Harris, MA

Hearing Voices Network USA
Leah Harris, M.A. (she/they) is a mad + disabled psychiatric survivor of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish heritage, who has written and advocated for over two decades for mad liberation, human rights, and anti-carceral mental health supports. Her writing and journalism have appeared... Read More →
avatar for Elizabeth Pienkos, PsyD

Elizabeth Pienkos, PsyD

Duquesne University
Dr. Liz Pienkos is a licensed clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor of Psychology at Duquesne University. Her research focuses on the phenomenology of schizophrenia, using qualitative methods to explore the mechanisms and features of this and other psychiatric disorders. Her... Read More →

Tate Hudson, MA

Duquesne University
Tate Hudson is a Ph.D. student in Clinical Psychology at Duquesne University. He is also a visual artist with a background in Continental Philosophy, exploring aspects of subjectivity, immanence, difference and multiplicity in the sociocultural milieu. He strives to blend his tripartite... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Union Room 119

5:00pm EDT

Break & Poster Sessions
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
We are excited to showcase a diverse array of research and innovative projects in our Poster Sessions, which will be displayed in the Duquesne Ballroom throughout Saturday's conference event. Attendees are encouraged to explore these presentations at their leisure.

To facilitate meaningful discussions and networking opportunities, dedicated poster viewing times will be held during the afternoon breaks from 3:00-3:30 PM and 5:00-5:30 PM. During these times, poster presenters will be available to discuss their work, answer questions, and engage with attendees.

An award will be given to the best poster. A panel of judges, including conference chair Nev Jones, PhD, will select the winner.

Preliminary Poster Presentations (More TBC)
  • Exploring the Feasibility and Acceptability of Theater-Improvisation Interventions for Psychosis: Insights from Outpatient Service Users - Selin Yalcinkaya, BA
  • Voices of Black Clients and Their Families: Keys to Better Engagement in Psychosis Care  - Yasmine Boumaiz, BS, Beshaun Davis, PhD, Melanie E. Bennett, PhD, Alicia Lucksted, PhD, Nev Jones, PhD, Swati Nayar BS, Arunadevi Saravana, M.Sc, Krissa Rouse, MA, LCPC
  • Connection and Shared Meaning in Psychosis: A Qualitative Investigation into the Psychiatrist-Patient Relationship - Melissa Uehling, MA
  • Re-stigmatizing Mental Health: Semiotics of oppression in the medical model of schizophrenia -  Alexej Gundy, AB
  •  Psychosis: Just a Bump in the Road? - Erin McGrath
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Union Ballroom

5:30pm EDT

Clinicians with Lived Experience - and the Limits of the "Lived Experience" Paradigm (In-Person Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
How do we use our lived experience as therapists in the clinical setting? How much mutuality is “too much”? Are there limits to the use of self-disclosure in the therapeutic dyad?

We are all therapists with various kinds of lived experience who have found our way to professional work as clinicians. To some extent, of course, all therapists have some kind of “lived experience” – which is another way of saying that all therapists use their own life experience in their work, regardless of whether they use explicit forms of self-disclosure in their treatments or not. With this in mind, this panel will ask the question: might explicit forms of self-disclosure regarding a therapist’s lived experience actually benefit the treatment? If so, how?

In this panel discussion, we will discuss our own journeys with respect to becoming clinicians who think deeply about mutuality and self-disclosure in our work – with our patients, clients, as well as our peers. We will explore the limits of self-disclosure and mutuality, depending on the clinical setting and the patient we are working with.
avatar for Marie Brown, PhD

Marie Brown, PhD

ISPS-US Vice-President, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Marie Brown, PhD,  is a clinical psychologist in New York City. She is the President of the US Chapter of the International Society for the Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS-US) and a co-founder of Hearing Voices Network NYC. She is co-editor of Women & Psychosis... Read More →
avatar for Sascha DuBrul, MSW

Sascha DuBrul, MSW

Institute for the Development of Human Arts
Sascha Altman DuBrul, MSW  is the co-founder of The Icarus Project, a network of peer based mental health support groups and media project dedicated to redefining the language and culture of mental health and illness. He has a Masters from Silberman School of Social Work and worked... Read More →
avatar for Elan Y Cohen, PhD

Elan Y Cohen, PhD

Adelphi University
Elan Y. Cohen is a clinical psychologist interested in social and psychoanalytic approaches to trauma and psychosis. Prior to graduate training, he worked as a recovery specialist in a crisis respite center and the Parachute NYC Open Dialogue mobile program. He is currently a postdoctoral... Read More →
avatar for Ben Goldstein, MSS, LCSW

Ben Goldstein, MSS, LCSW

Private Practice
Ben Goldstein is a clinical social worker, therapist and writer based in Philadelphia.
avatar for Mike Wimberley, MSW

Mike Wimberley, MSW

Northern Rivers OntrackNY
Mike decided to work in mental health due to his journey through the mental health system after being diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 22 years old.  Mike received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington in 2013 and worked as a peer specialist in Washington State... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Union Room 613

5:30pm EDT

How to Discussion: Lived Experience Writing in Academia (In-Person only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
How to Discussion: Lived Experience Writing in Academia - Sirikanya Chiraroekmongkon, MD

Academia is a highly intimidating space, with much of its own technical language and nuances. A person with lived experience (including family members) outside of academia may find this space too foreign or unfamiliar and may struggle with feeling that their writing belong in this space. A person with lived experience (including family members) inside of academia may worry about sharing, with fears of vulnerability and potential repercussion.

This presentation invites all spectrum of feelings and nuances. It aims to walk through the internal and external steps into the undertaking and to create an open and safe environment for a discussion.
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Sirikanya Chiraroekmongkon, MD

SMH On-Call Psychiatrist, Asian Health Services
I am from Bangkok, Thailand, grew up in a single-parent household with my mom and older brother, and immigrated to the U.S. at age 10. As an adolescent, I witnessed my mom going through her first psychotic break and ended up being untreated and living in homeless shelters for a decade... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Union Room 119

5:30pm EDT

Structural Influences on Mental Health Crisis (Care) in the US: Barriers and Pathways to Transformation (Hybrid)
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Decades after deinstitutionalization, mental health crisis care in the U.S. remains fraught with systemic challenges. Inadequate funding, fragmented services, and policy shortcomings contribute to persistent disparities. Crisis services are critically inadequate and increasingly carceral despite intentions to shift to community-based, person-centered approaches. People experiencing psychosis are more likely to face discrimination and harm within this carceral system. Additionally, underfunded social welfare services and rising living costs make meeting basic needs difficult. Consequently, crisis responses to unmet needs are often pathologized, leading to poverty, unemployment, criminalization, incarceration, housing precarity, and coercive interventions. These issues are exacerbated for historically marginalized populations facing additional discrimination.

Compounding these challenges is the increasing cooptation of peer-based services into the medical system. While peer support can offer holistic and effective care that normalizes experiences of psychosis, its integration into a medical model risks undermining its foundational principles of mutuality and lived experience. This shift can negate the efficacy of peer-based approaches, making it harder to address the root causes of mental health crises compassionately and person-centered.

Despite these systemic barriers, pockets of hope and innovation exist. Community-driven grassroots initiatives and novel research and advocacy efforts are beginning to reshape mental health crisis care. This highlights the potential for transformative change by challenging cultural narratives around psychosis and promoting inclusive approaches to wellbeing.

This roundtable will:
1. Explore how structural influences scaffold our mental health crisis care system and perpetuate adverse mental and social outcomes.
2. Foster substantive conversations about the current state of mental health crisis care.
3. Encourage collaborative efforts to address systemic barriers.

The stigmatization and criminalization of mental health crises often result in punitive rather than compassionate responses. Amplifying diverse lived experiences into leadership roles can help address a critical need to expand non-carceral interventions that prioritize recovery and dignity over punishment.

Sarah F Porter, MHS, MSW

University of Washington School of Social Work
Sarah F Porter (she/her/u), MHS, is an MSW/PhD student at the University of Washington School of Social Work. Her research in critical suicidology seeks to improve crisis mental health services by addressing societal and systemic factors that influence suicidality. Sarah’s dissertation... Read More →

Jeffrey Ciak, MSW

Virginia Commonwealth University
Jeff Ciak is a second-year doctoral student at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work. Jeff has worked with adults with psychiatric disabilities and substance use disorders in a variety of settings. These professional experiences inform his research interests... Read More →

Jess Stohlmann-Rainey

Much Madness LLC
Jess Stohlmann-Rainey (she/her) loves to talk about suicide, peer support, and liberation. She is a mad care worker located in so-called Denver (unceded ancestral lands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute), and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux) people). She is currently... Read More →
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Nze Okoronta

Executive Director, Solstice House Peer Respite and Warmline
Nze is a harm reductionist, facilitator, and consultant. They are known for work surrounding crisis services, public health impact and social policy. They provide consultation around crisis alternatives, peer run respites, peer run warmlines, peer support supervision & harm reduction... Read More →

Tim Saubers

National Association of Peer Supporters
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Union Ballroom

5:30pm EDT

The Report on Improving Mental Health Outcome (Virtual Only)
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
In September of 2023, James B. (Jim) Gottstein, Esq.; Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD; David Cohen, PhD; Chuck Ruby, PhD; and Faith Myers, published the Report on Mental Health Outcomes (Report).  See, https://psychrights.org/ReportOnImprovingMentalHealthOutcomes.pdf.  The Report documents that the current Mental Health System is reducing recovery rates for people who experience psychosis from a possible 80% to 5% and reducing life spans by 20-25 years.  This is primarily due to the over-reliance on drugs, but also from forcing unwanted psychiatric interventions on people which, incidentally, is a violation of International law.

The Report also documents non-coercive, humane approaches that should be used instead of the drugs and force, such as Open Dialogue, Psychotherapy, Peer-Respites, Soteria-Houses, Drug-Free Hospitals, Housing First, Employment, Warm Lines, Hearing Voices Network, Non-Police Community Response Teams, and emotional CPR (eCPR).

The Report was written specifically for policy makers and potential funders, with hyperlinks to the 12 pages of references. James B. (Jim) Gottstein, Esq., the lead author of the Report, will present its findings and invite discussion, including how to bring the Report's recommendations to fruition.

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James B. (Jim) Gottstein, Esq.

Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights)
Jim Gottstein is an Alaska-based lawyer, now living on Maui, who founded the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) whose mission is to mount a strategic litigation campaign against forced psychiatric drugging and electroshock.  He won five Alaska Supreme Court appeals... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Virtual only (Zoom)

6:30pm EDT

Conference Dinner
Saturday November 2, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EDT
Conference buffet dinner (complimentary) and cash bar.

Menu TBA
Saturday November 2, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EDT
Union Ballroom
From $41.75
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New Beginnings: Reimagining Psychosis Services & Systems in the US
From $41.75
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